Ecorefill innovation at the service of cleanliness
and the environment

B-CAP dosing cap for cleaning product


ecorefill B-CAP ®


fewer lorries

on the roads!

 B-CAP dosing cap for cleaning products innovative packaging

In response to the environmental challenges we face, the products we use to clean need to perform better and offer genuine environmental benefits. Consumers are instinctively moving towards concentrated products with less packaging and lower environmental impact.

Our ecorefill B-CAP meets these consumer demands, simplifying their life with a ecorefill B-CAP that is easy to use, effective, safe, economical  and that respects the environmental and societal charter by saving water and energy resources.

A pioneering product that revolutionizes the use and consumption of detergent and cleaning products.

So with the ecorefill B-CAP, no water is transported needlessly – only the active concentrate that will become the final product when used by the consumer is concealed.

There’s no need to transport heavy bottles, drums or flasks back home. Nor is there a need to transport large quantities of palettes from the factory to the sales points.

B-CAP lowers packaging stocks, as well as that of finished products and frees the space needed to store and handle the bottles at the production site, in shops and in peoples’ homes.

Find out which B-CAP is made for you!

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