News and feed from B-CAP

The ecological civil movements of 2019

If you hadn’t noticed it yet, 2019 seems to be the year of ecological awareness for many citizens. In a few months, many movements have grown and expressed their concerns about climate issues. This is indeed proof that ecology is at the heart of many of us’ concerns. In this B-cap article, discover several of these spontaneous citizen movements.   Rise for Climate Everything starts on September 8, 2018. The first “Rise For Climate” march took place on 7 continents, in 95 countries and with more than 900 actions. Hundreds of thousands of people all around the world displayed the power and the diversity of the climate movement. Since then, many other marches have been organized around the world....

B-CAP: A green solution for your products !

2019 is proving to be a pivotal year in terms of climate protection. Attitudes and mentalities are changing, and many people are looking for alternatives to limit their ecological impact. B-CAP is fully aware of this and offers its solution to many companies to help them make a concrete commitment to the ecological fight. Discover how the B-CAP dosing cap technology might be the solution! “Make your business greener, protect your ingredients, put them in a B-CAP.”   B-CAP: What is it? B-cap is a company based in Belgium and France dedicated to helping businesses around the world achieve their ecological transition through the packaging of their products while providing them an innovative solution to preserve their ingredients. So,...

What are the benefits of eco cleaning products?

Everyday, thousands of cleaning products are sold around the world. But how many of them are healthy and ecological? Just take a look at the household products department in supermarkets and you will realize that most aren’t. However, they are eco friendly cleaning products that are interesting. B-Cap makes you discover what the benefits of these products are and why you should think of using them. 1.   A Healthy home   we may not really be aware of this, but every time we use standard cleaning products, we take the risk of being in direct contact with chemicals. Indeed, in an attempt to eliminate every trace of dust and bacteria, we use these harsh products that are not only...

Recycling Plastic Bottles and Other Ways to Reduce Your Waste

Though people are more and more aware of the impact it has on the environment, the amount of garbage produced by humans remains impressive. With a continuous worldwide growth, plastic is among the major sources of pollution. Fortunately, solutions exist. In this article, we share 5 easy ways you can reduce your waste, starting with plastic bottles.   1. Recycle plastic bottles in creative ways Used plastic bottles usually end up in the trash. But – good news – it doesn’t have to be that way! Kitchen storage containers, bird feeders, snack bowls, and many more, the internet abounds with Do It Yourself tutorials. Be creative and give a new purpose to your plastic bottles. Options are endless!  ...

Environmentally friendly Products: 6 examples of daily products

In 2018, it’s no secret to anyone that the production of municipal waste from consumers is still very important. Small daily actions would limit some of this waste. B-cap offers you some ideas and tips! 1. Clothes made from recycled Fabric One way to make your everyday life eco-friendlier is to dress with clothes made of recycled materials. Indeed, these clothes are more and more easy to find since more and more brands offer clothes made of recycled plastic. But how does one go from a plastic bottle to a garment? First of all, the waste is crushed into petals and then mixed with plastic bottles. Then everything is mixed and transformed into a liquid mass and finally woven...

How much garbage do humans make every year?

People are more aware on the issue of environmental waste than ever. But what is it really? B-Cap offers you an answer about waste and its treatment in Europe. Some statistics Where does all this trash come from? As we can see in this table, in 2014, waste generation in the EU-28 is +/- 2.5 million tonnes. This impressive figure includes waste from all economic activities as well as those from households. In the EU-28, construction accounted for 34.7% of the total, followed by the extractive industries (28%), manufacturing (10.2%), water and waste services (9.1%) and households (8.3%); the remaining 9.5% was waste generated by other economic activities of which mainly services (3.9%) and energy (3.7%). Therefore, if we...

COP23 – CO2 emissions: an inconvenient truth

The 23rd Annual Conference of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, or the COP 23 and organized by the Fiji Islands, was held in Bonn, Germany, from Monday November 6th to Friday November 17th, 2017. The objective of this conference was to observe what has been done and what countries are ready to undertake to reduce their carbon footprint and to fight against global warming. What can we take from COP 23?   Increased CO2 In terms of global CO2 emissions, the situation is alarming. There has never been a CO2 concentration as high as in 2016. 22 countries have managed to reduce their carbon emissions while 101 countries have seen their emissions increase. China, for example,...

Product packaging design: 5 inspiring ideas

Today more than ever before, your product needs a top packaging design. Why? Because packaging can honestly make or break the success of whatever you’re selling. Here we will present 5 questions you should ask yourself when creating your packaging that can take your product to glory, and give you some good examples to boot.   Is your packaging Eco-friendly? More and more people are aware and sensitive to their ecological impact and are therefore more interested and attracted by an eco-friendly packaging. By using it, a company shows that it is conscious of the ecological issue. B-Cap chose this option by offering its customers 100% recyclable dosing caps that reduce CO² emissions and plastic waste! (Discover the B-Cap...

How to reduce your carbon footprint as a company

  By this point, everyone can agree that global warming is a very real and present danger that is not to be taken lightly (unless we are to believe certain world leaders). Reducing the carbon footprint, AKA the negative impact our activities as people have on the environment, is our top priority should we wish to stay on this planet a little while longer. This however, is not just the responsibility of the average joe, but of everyone, including companies and organisations in general.   Fuel use The use of fossil fuels has since time immemorial been a big bad in the emission of carbon dioxide, and companies have certainly played a big role in this. Imagine the emissions...

Eco Friendly Packaging: Create More Value with Less Impact

It is impossible to avoid plastic in 2017. We find it everywhere whether it is at home, in our car, in the office or in our hands. We are faced with plastic every moment of every day. In 2050 there will be more plastic than fish in our oceans. It’s time to reduce our production and our use of plastic. Ecological packaging is a way to contribute to this cause.   More Value Eco Friendly Packaging is strongly linked to concrete economic and ecological stakes such as the reduction of expenditure on material resources and the prevention of pollution in the industrial and manufacturing sectors. We could summarize it and say it is to save money and limit a company’s...

Dosing Cap Technology: a Green Alternative for Cleaning Products

  Liquid soap is part of our everyday life. We often have one detergent for the floors, another one for the oven and yet another for the bathroom. Even when they are ecological, the various products that we store to the point of cluttering our closets are challenging. Their use is also problematic: over- or underdosing the liquid soap has negative effects on environment, health…and our wallet! Discover how the dosing cap technology might be the solution.   What are the negative effect(s) of liquid soap? For some years, consumers seem to be more aware of the potential danger of liquid soap – or more generally household products. Despite the physical effects of non-optimal dosing of these products like...

Responsible sourcing: influence sustainable behavior throughout your value chain!

Have you heard about the Rana Plaza collapse? This building that manufactured apparel for famous occidental brands collapsed in 2013 leading to the death of 1138 workers in Bangladesh. This dramatic event reminded the importance of social responsibility of factories and brands at all levels of the supply chain. In this context, a growing number of companies decided to include social and environmental standards in their business model. We are all part of this value chain. So what are the factors to be considered by businesses and what role can we play as a consumer? Responsible sourcing and corporate responsibility Responsible sourcing may be described as the integration of environmental and social considerations into the procurement processes of companies....

Innovation Trophy | B-CAP

Guess who won the 2017 Innovation Trophy at Europropre? The EUROPROPRE MULTISERVICES EXPO 2017 fair took place at the end of March 2017 in Paris. Over 160 companies of the Household and Cleaning market invested the Paris Expo Porte des Versailles presenting their latest innovations and range of services. Each year the fair attributes the Trophée de l’Innovation (Innovation Trophy) to the most innovative and future-looking products. This year one of our clients won the prize for its cleaning concept using the B-CAP! The jury recognized the contribution of B-CAP and our dosing caps to reducing the carbon footprint of cleaning products as well as its ability to ensure the highest quality of products! Thanks to B-CAP eco-packaging solutions,...

What are the benefits of dosing cap technology for traditional household products?

Every day we use detergents for the laundry, the dishes, for cleaning the kitchen and the bathroom or to take care of the floors. Although, do we use too much or not enough household products? This seemingly innocuous question is actually of great importance as a proper dosing is highly recommended to preserve your family, your wallet and the environment. The dosing cap technology might help you in this purpose. Why is it important to correctly dose household products? It is truly recommended to use the correct quantity of detergent. An overdose of your household products will not highlight a cleaner effect but cause a waste of cleaning products. Regarding the washing machine, an overdose will have a negative...

Plastic bottles pollution: impact & solutions

The plastic industry has a continuous growth worldwide since over 50 years.   The plastic industry has a continuous growth worldwide since over 50 years. Plastic attributes like rigidity, strength and flexibility makes it – still today – a choice material. But only 31% of plastics are recycled in US, according to the Trade organization NAPCOR. This considerable use in almost all sectors and industries causes an environmental pollution that already affects our day-to-day lives. Yet smart solutions exist to avoid plastic pollution.       What are the consequences of plastic pollution? Experience it yourself: how many plastic items do you see around you? Impressive isn’t it? Plastic is everywhere and causes great damage to the planet. Taking...

Winter is coming! Our solutions to take care of your well-being and keep a healthy earth.

As we all know, summer is leaving us and winter is coming soon. But it is not a reason to let go! The well-being is something you need to pay attention to in any period of the year and it is the same for the earth, which constantly needs to be treated well. It is now possible to reconcile your own wellness and the health of the planet. 3 tips to take care of yourself without guilt: 1. Look after your health and the health of your beloved ones Our health is the most precious capital we have…with our mother earth. Staying healthy requires an excellent hygiene that we can combine with a gesture for the planet: Be active...

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