Reduce the carbon footprint of your products


B-CAP, the eco-performance dosing cap

For sustainability, think in terms of less

B-CAP is an innovative solution that meets the challenges of professionals in reducing the quantity of plastic, C02 and water.

The central role of Packaging

Achieving sustainability is a challenge for both producers and consumers, and between them is packaging.

The packaging you use for your products is the message you send to your customers, it embodies your promise to deliver quality products while striving to participate in the shift to more environmentally friendly industries and markets.

Innovation is key

Packaging solutions that look towards the future can be complex by design but must be easy for consumers to use and benefit from. Our innovative patented technology goes exactly in this direction.

We spend time determining how to make our products lighter, using as few materials as possible, while ensuring the inherent qualities required to help our clients deliver the best possible end product to their customers.

B-CAP products are all made of only two 100% recyclable polyethylene parts. On average, the production of one ecorefill B-CAP product requires twice less plastic as the standard PET bottles, and considerably less energy to blow them into shape or heat them to make them fit for sensitive, active ingredients and formulas.

Using B-CAPs as a dispensing and ecorefill solution reduces the overall amount of packaging materials used and reduces the transportation of water, as it is only mixed at the last moment before use or consumption.

Lower the carbon footprint of your products and save on storage and transport with B-CAP

Because B-CAP is so light and small, it provides companies considerable savings in terms of transport and storage, consequently also reducing CO2 emissions.

Switching from your standard packaging to an ecorefill B-CAP achieves an average of 20 times fewer trucks and lorries on the road, considerably reducing the carbon footprint of your products !


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